Tag Archives: interesting

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton invented calculus while Cambridge University was closed due to plague.

Art-By Audrey Briggs


I am donating 2 pieces for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s Annual 6×6 Exhibit. This one, simply named “Color Block”, will be available for purchase in New York or on-line for $20 bucks. This is press-board, 6″x6″, acrylic, with a high gloss finish. The backside is affixed with a saw tooth hanger for easy hanging.

Hello Lolita!!


No, this is not the Long Island Lolita, but a Japanese fashion based on Victorian Rococo and vintage styles. My 19 year old daughter wears Lolita. This is typically worn by teen-aged, to late 20’s (and sometimes older). There are gatherings and conventions always happening here in the Bay Area, California. Most of the Lolita’s enjoy photo-shoots and sharing fashion idea’s and stories.

These are very elaborate dresses sometimes consisting of wigs, contact lenses, props, and so much more! But the must haves are the dress shape, femininity, elegance and cuteness. The two main brands here in my area are Angelic Pretty (or AP) and Baby The Star Shine Bright, both of which are in San Francisco. There is a sub-division of “Baby”, called Alice And The Pirates, SO CUTE! There is a Baby the Star Shine Bright store in Paris, Sara and I popped in there a couple of months ago. Dresses run anywhere from $100, $300 and up. My daughter makes a lot of her own dresses, including drawing her own patterns. (that’s not my daughter pictured above)

If you see someone dressed like this, don’t judge, feel enlightened. It’s fun, super artistic and a great way to meet a ton of new friends!

Life is good, have fun!