Tag Archives: cool

Driving My Disabled Son Around Makes Him Happy, and I’ve Made Money!

Really Cool Art!

I came across this huge painting in the basement of an antique store. It was a bit creepy down there, but then I saw this beauty!

This piece is actually a print, set inside the frame with glass on the top.

The thing that caught my eye is what’s on top of the glass. It’s like they took “scribbles” and highlighted some area’s on the outside of the glass, to give it a really cool 3D effect.

Book Stop-Shop and Swap!

I saw this and pulled over to take pictures. This is in Santa Cruz, CA.
This is a relatively new thing I’ve seen in the Bay Area.
Free books! You put one in and take one out, or vice versa. This amazing book case had adult books on the top………..
And kid stuff on the bottom! This is the fanciest one I’ve seen. Typically they resemble more of an open bird house on a pole. Now that I know this one exists, I’m going to take some books over and maybe find one to read 🙂 I’m sure these have been in other parts of the world long before we’ve had them here! Super cool though.

That Tat!


There was a young woman was sitting in front of me on a roller coaster ride at Disneyland. I had a good view of her right arm, and I couldn’t help notice her really cool tattoo! As an artist, I totally appreciate the design and creativity of this tattoo, it’s stunning! She was nice enough to let me blog it!